Autumn semester: 01.09-05.12 Теоретичне навчання | 04-17.10 1МК | 22.11-05.12 2МК | 06-26.12 СКSpring semester: 24.01-29.05 Теоретичне навчання | 28.03-10.04 1МК | 16.05-29.05 2МК | 13-30.06 СКПриймання відвідувачів дирекції 1345-1430 |
1 Administrative Law (3) 2 Administrative management (2,5)3 Life safety (3)4 Higher mathematics 1 (3,5)5 Advanced Mathematics 2 (3,5)6 Ecological Economics (2,5)7 Public and Regional Administration (4)8 Operations Research (Management Science) (3)9 Еcology (3)10 Econometrics (3)11 Labor Economics on Enterprises (4)12 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (3)13 Economics and Finance of the Enterprise (4)14 Economic Risk (3)15 Enterprises Foreign Economic Activity (4)16 Foreign Language for Professional Purposes (9)17 Management Information Systems (4)18 Information Systems and Technologies (5,5)19 History of Ukraine (3)20 History of Ukrainian Culture (3)21 Forestry Commodity (3)22 Forest Policy (4)23 Logistics (3)24 Macroeconomics (3)25 Marketing (4)26 Forest Sector Enterprises Marketing (4)27 Organization Theory and management (5)28 International Economic Relations (4)29 Microeconomics (4) | 30 Accounting and Audit (4)31 Operational Management (4)32 Organization of Production on Enterprises (4)33 Fundamentals of Economic Theory (4)34 Planning at Enterprises (4)35 Tax Policy (3)36 Politology (3)37 Jurisprudence (3)38 Psychology (3)39 Regional Economics (3)40 Time Management (4)41 Sociology (3)42 Statistics (4,5)43 Strategic Management (4)44 Investment (3)45 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (4)46 Organization Theory and management (4)47 Systems Technology (2,5)48 Technology of Production (3)49 Labour law (3)50 Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes (3)51 Innovation Management (4)52 Human resource management (4)53 Philosophy (3)54 Recreational management (4)55 Physical Education (6)56 Finances, Money and Credit (4) |
Academic year papers 57 Enterprise Economics and Finances (course project) (2) 58 Macroeconomics; (course work) (2) 59 Organization Theory and management (course project) (3) 60 Course project related to the subject of Strategic Management (2) | Practical training 61 Industial Practice 1 (4,5) 62 Industial Practice 2 (3) 63 Pre-diploma practice (3) |
1 International Private Law (3)2 Ecological Standardization and Ecological Certification (3) 3 Conflict management (3) 4 International Business Management (3) 5 Scientific Researches Methodology and Organization (3) 6 Information Systems and Technologies in the Organizational Management (3) 7 Corporative Management and Social Responsibility (3) 8 Management of Organizations (3) 9 Management of hunting economy (3) 10 International Environmental Policy (3)11 Public Administration (3) | 12 National Аccounting (3)13 Change Management and Project Management (3) 14 International Competitiveness Management (6) 15 Financial Management (6) Academic year papers 16 Interdisciplinary course project related to the subject of Master Thesis research (3) Practical training 17 Internship (3) 18 Pre-diploma praktice (3) Сertification 19 Master's Diploma Thesis" (30) |
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