Autumn semester: 01.09-05.12 Теоретичне навчання | 04-17.10 1МК | 22.11-05.12 2МК | 06-26.12 СКSpring semester: 24.01-29.05 Теоретичне навчання | 28.03-10.04 1МК | 16.05-29.05 2МК | 13-30.06 СКПриймання відвідувачів дирекції 1345-1430 |
Environment and Natural Resources Economics (ENARECO) |
1 History of Ukraine (3) 2 Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes (3) 3 Philosophy (3) 4 Advanced Mathematics (7) 5 Computer Science (6) 6 Foreign Language (6) 7 Political Economy (5) 8 History of Ukrainian Culture (3) 9 Physical Education (6) 10 Sociology (3) 11 Macroeconomics (4) 12 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (3) 13 Logistics (3) 14 Jurisprudence and Politology (3) 15 Regional Economics (3) 16 Forest Policy (2) 17 Microeconomics (4) 18 Operations Research (Management Science) (4) 19 Enterprise Economics (8) 20 Statistics (4) 21 National Economics (3) 22 Accounting (3) 23 Еconomics and Organization of Innovative Activity (5) 24 History of Economics and Economic Thought (4) 25 Econometrics (3) 26 Finance (3) 27 Labour and Life Safety (3) 28 Technology of Woodworking Production (2) 29 Ecological Еconomics (2) 30 Marketing (4) 31 Labor Economics and Labor Relations (6) | 32 International Economics (4) 33 Organization Theory (4) 34 Money and Сredit (4) 35 Quality Management (4) 36 Project Analysis (4) 37 Management (4) 38 Basics of Systems Theory and Systems Analysis (4) 39 Production at Woodworking Enterprises (4) 40 Іnsurance (4) 41 Business Ethics (4) 42 Economic Legislation (4) 43 Advanced Foreign Language (4) 44 Cost Management (3) 45 Enterprise Planning and Control (5) 46 Enterprise Information Systems and Technologies (4) 47 Economic Risk (4) 48 Ecological and Economic Analysis (3) 49 Operational Management (4) 50 Crisis Management (3) 51 Enterprise Strategy (5) 52 Controlling (3) 53 Substantiation of Business Decisions and Risk Assessment (3) 54 Enterprise Potential and Development (3) Academic year papers 55 Macroeconomics (course work) (1 ) 56 Enterprise Economics (course project) (1) 57 Enterprise Planning and Control (course project) (1) 58 Enterprise Strategy (course project) (1) Practical training 59 Techno-economic (3) 60 Industrial (6) 61 Pre-diploma (3) Сertification 62 Bachelor Thesis (15) |
1 Ecological Economics (4)2 Environmental Policy (4,5) 3 Ecological Law and Intellectual Property (3) 4 Ecology (3) 5 Environmental Economics (3) 6 Land Use Economics (3) 7 Environmental Economics (3) 8 Economic Analysis (4) 9 Environmental Management of Enterprises (3) 10 Management of Natural Protected Areas (3) 11 Scientific Researches Methodology and Organization (3) 12 Modelling of Ecological-Economic Systems (3) 13 Sustainable Industrial Production (3) 14 Sustainable Development (4,5) | 15 Philosophical Basis of the Sustainable Development (3) 16 Applied Green Marketing (4,5) 17 Pedagogy and Psychology (4,5) 18 e-Tourism (4,5) 19 Economy and management of forestry (3) Academic year papers 20 Land Use Economics (1) 21 Economic Analysis (2) Practical training 22 Internship (6) 23 Pedagogical Practice (1,5) 24 Pre-Diploma Practice (3) Сertification 25 Master's diploma Thesis (12) |
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