Autumn semester: 01.09-05.12 Теоретичне навчання | 04-17.10 1МК | 22.11-05.12 2МК | 06-26.12 СКSpring semester: 24.01-29.05 Теоретичне навчання | 28.03-10.04 1МК | 16.05-29.05 2МК | 13-30.06 СКПриймання відвідувачів дирекції 1345-1430 |
1 Aerospace Methods in Ecology (3)2 Analytical Chemistry or Zoology (3,5) 3 Life safety (3) 4 Bioindication (4,5) 5 Biology (Botany) (3) 6 Biometry and Mathematical Statistics in Ecology (5) 7 Building Ecology (4) 8 Higher mathematics (6) 9 Environmental Inspection (3) 10 Geographic Information Systems (3) 11 Geology with Basic Geomorphology (3) 12 Geochemistry of Technogenesis (4) 13 Hydroecology (4) 14 Hydrology (4) 15 Soil Science (3) 16 Environmental Safety (4,5) 17 Environmental Impact Assessment (4,5) 18 Forest Ecology (4) 19 Human Ecology (4,5) 20 Ecology of Transport (4) 21 Environmental Economics (3) 22 Tourism Economics (3) 23 Economic Theory (3) 24 General Ecology (6) 25 Reserve Business (3) 26 Plant Protection (6) 27 Foreign Language (for professional purposes) (6) 28 Informatics and Systemology (3) 29 History of Ukraine (3) 30 History of Ukrainian Culture (3) 31 Landscape Ecology (4) 32 Meteorology and Climatology (4,5) | 34 Modelling and Prediction of Environment State (4,5)35 Environmental Monitoring (6,5) 36 Rating of Anthropogenic Impact on the Environment (4,5) 37 Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy (3) 38 Politology (3) 39 Environmental Law (3) 40 Environmental technologies and Equipment (4,5) 41 RadioEcology (3) 42 Recreational Resources 3,5 85 Зараховано / Passed P 43 Lanscape Economics (3) 44 Systems of Water Use (4,5) 45 Socioecology (3,5) 46 Technical Ecology (4,5) 47 Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes (3) 48 Urban ecology (6) 49 Physics (4,5) 50 Chemistry with Basic Biochemistry (6) 51 Physical Training (3) 52 Philosophy (3) Academic year papers 53 Hydroecology (course project) (1,5) 54 Forest Ecology (course project) (1,5) 55 Technical Ecology (course project) (1,5) Practical training 56 General biological practice (6) 57 General ecological practice (6) 58 Landscape and organizational-training training practice (6) 59 Industrial practice (6) 60 Pre-graduation Bachelor Practice (6) Атестація / Сertification 61 Bachelor's Diploma Project (Thesis) (15) |
1 Bioenergy resources (3,5) 2 Ecosystem Geophysics (3) 3 Hydrological Protective Role of Forest (3,5) 4 Resources Cadastre (3) 5 Ecotoxicology (3) 6 Forest Melioration (3) 7 Teaching Methods in Higher School (3) 8 Scientific Researches Methodology and Organization (3) 9 Close to Nature Forestry (3) 10 Pedagogy and Psychology (3) 11 System analysis of environmental quality (6) 12 Standardization and Certifying in Ecology (3) | 13 Sustainable Development Strategy (3) 14 Waste Management and Treatment or Integrated Solid Waste Management (3) 15 Civil Defense and Occupational Safety and Health in the Branch (3) Academic year papers 16 Bioenergy resources (course work) (1) Practical training 17 Internship (4,5) 18 Pedagogical Practice (3) 19 Pre-Diploma Practice (10,5) Сertification 20 Master's diploma Thesis (22) |
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