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upcomingeventsAutumn semester: 01.09-05.12 Теоретичне навчання | 04-17.10 1МК  | 22.11-05.12 2МК | 06-26.12 СК
Spring semester: 24.01-29.05 Теоретичне навчання | 28.03-10.04 1МК | 16.05-29.05 2МК | 13-30.06 СК
Приймання відвідувачів дирекції 1345-1430
Management of International Activitiy
Bachelour Level
1. Qualification Bachelor's degree, Management, management bachelor
2. Main field(s) of study for the qualification Management and administration
3. Name and status of the institution awarding the qualification
Public higher education institution "Ukrainian National Forestry University". State./Public higher educadion institution "Ukrainian National Forestry University". State. Recognized by the state Accreditation Commission of Ukraine.
4. Language(s) of instruction Ukrainian
1. Level of qualification
Ability to solve complex specialized problems and practical tasks in a given professional activity field either while studies; this supposes respective scientific field's several theories' and methods' application under complex ambiguous conditions.
2. Official duration of programme 3 years 10 months, full-time and extramural form of studies (240.00 credits ECTS)
3. Access requirements(s) Complete secondary education on the basis of external independent testing (admission tests)
1. Mode of study Full-time/ Extramural
2. Programme requirements
Learner must satisfy the programme requirements in the Programme Specification, which includes:
- Theoretical training (220,5 ECTS credits) of subjects in form of audition classes (lecture, seminar, practical classes) and independent work. Block of standard subjects that ensure grounding of bachelors of management consists of 134,5 ECTS credits. The block of selective subjects is 86 ECTS credits;
- Execution of 4 course works and projects 9 ECTS credits;
- Passing the Industrial Practice and Pre-diploma practices (7,5 ECTS credits);
- The final state attestation of bachelor in the form of defense of bachelor's diploma project (thesis) 12 ECTS credits.
Credits are assigned to the student when he/she successfully (see Grading scheme in 4.4) passes written (or oral) tests and examinations in subjects, defends course papers, reports results of his/her practical training, passes final examinations.
The competences acquired:
Knowledge and understanding:
- Participation in the development of state and regional policies
- Establishment of the company / organization. Forecasting and goal planning of the organization. Development of activities control systems. Administration of company's security and safety
- Collection, processing and analysis of information about external and internal factors influencing the organizations
- Diagnosing the state of the organization. Evaluation of financial and economic condition of the enterprise/organization. Development of a business plan. Legal support of entrepreneurial activity. Marketing activity. Production (operating) activities. Coordination and integration activities.
Application of knowledge and understanding (Applying knowledge and understanding):
- Ability to provide reasonable proposals on the formation and development of state and regional policies. Ability to implement process of staff development and stimulation (motivation)
- Ability to anticipate and plan objectives for the organization and departments
- Ability to develop strategic, tactical and operational control activities. Ability to monitor compliance and ensuring discipline considering occupational health, safety and environmental security in the organization. Ability to assess the impact of the macroeconomic environment on the functioning of organizations and authorities. Making judgments:
- ability to make judgments about the efficiency of organization and its structural units, weaknesses and strengths, threats and opportunities;
- ability to identify and formulate problems in the activity of the organization and its structural units, to make conclusions about their causes and to define options for increasing the performance efficiency;
- ability to make judgments concerning the extent of compliance of the organization activity with the legislation, contracts, and ethics;
- ability to predict the environmental consequences of decisions and to evaluate the environmental-economic performance of the organization.
3. Information about the educational components (number of ECTS credits):
1 Administrative and Commercial Law (6)
2 Organization of labor manager and administration (5)
3 Analysis of International Economic Activity (4,5)
4 Labor protection and life safety (4)
5 Monetary and Financial Mechanism (3)
6 Higher mathematics 1 (4)
7 Higher mathematics 2 (4)
8 Public and Regional Administration (3)
9 Operations Research (3)
10 Sustainable Development (3)
11 Ecology (3)
12 Econometrics (4)
13 Enterprise Economics and Finances (9)
14 Statistics (4)
15 Economic Theory (Macroeconomics) (4)
16 Economic Theory (Microeconomics) (4)
17 Management Information Systems (4)
18 Information Systems and Technologies (6)
19 History of Ukraine (3)
20 History of Ukrainian Culture (3)
21 Forestry Commodity (3)
22 Logistics (3)
23 Marketing (4)
24 Forest Sector Enterprises Marketing (3)
25 Environmental Economics (3)
26 International Statistics (3)
27 International Trade and Economic Integration (3)
28 International Economic Relations (3)
29 Customs and customs regulation (3)
30 Accounting and Audit (3)
31 Operational Management (4)
32 Organization and Management of International Economic Activity (3)
33 Business Protocol Principles (3)
34 Fundamentals of Economic Theory (4)
35 Politology (3)
36 Jurisprudence (3)
37 Psychology (3)
38 International Economic Activity Regulation (3)
39 Enterprises Foreign Economic Activity (4)
40 Strategic Management (3)
41 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (4)
42 Organization Theory and management (8)
43 Technology of wood-composite materials (3)
44 Physical Education (6)
45 Labour law (3)
46 Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes (3)
47 Innovation Management (3)
48 Human resource management (4)
49 Philosophy (3)
50 Foreign language for professional communication (12)
51 Sociology (3)
52 Finances, Money and Credit (3)
53 Tax Policy (3)
Academic year papers
54 Enterprise Economics and Finances (course project) (2)
55 Economic Theory (Macroeconomics) (course project) (2)
56 Interdisciplinary Course Project (3)
57 Organization Theory and management (course project) (2)
Practical training
58 Industial Practice (6)
59 Pre-graduation Bachelor Practical Training (4,5)
Сertification 60 Bachelor thesis (15)
Total credits ECTS 240
Master level
1. Qualification Master`s degree, Management, International Economic Activity Management, Іnternational economic activity management master
2. Main field(s) of study for the qualification Management and administration
3. Name and status of the institution awarding the qualification
Public higher education institution "Ukrainian National Forestry University". State./Public higher educadion institution "Ukrainian National Forestry University". State. Recognized by the state Accreditation Commission of Ukraine.
4. Language(s) of instruction Ukrainian
1. Level of qualification  Ability to solve complex problems and tasks in a given professional field activity or during stuty process that foresees researching and/or innovations implementation under ambiguous conditions and requirements.
2. Official duration of programme  1 year 4 months (90.00 credits ECTS)
3. Access requirements(s) Education and qualification level of of bachelor on the basis of admission tests in profession
1. Mode of study Full-time/Extramural
2. Programme requirements
Learner must satisfy the programme requirements in the Programme Specification, which includes:
- Theoretical studies (66 ECTS credits): contact hours (lectures, seminars, workshops) and self-study. The block of core courses that provides proper training of Master in International Business Management is 43 ECTS credits. The block of elective courses is 23 ECTS credits;
- interdisciplinary course project related to the subject of Master Thesis research interests (3 ECTS credits);
- professional pre-diploma practice (3 ECTS credits);
- final state certification in the form of qualification Master Thesis (15 ECTS credits).
Credits are assigned to the student when he/she successfully (see Grading scheme in 4.4) passes written (or oral) tests and examinations in subjects, defends course papers, reports results of his/her practical training, passes final examinations.
The competences acquired:
Knowledge and understanding:
- understanding the nature and effects of impact of different processes on the mezo level of economic system (including industrial organization, network structure, group and corporate relationships) on the subjects of foreign economic activity; - understanding the peculiarities of foreign markets research; special characteristics of market segmentation and product positioning, pricing in foreign markets and communication policy; - the basic understanding of the strategic goals development in the course of enterprise’s foreign economic activity taking into account the risk level; - modern concepts of planning, organizing, motivation, controlling and regulation in the sphere of enterprise’s foreign economic activity; - understanding the informational needs, information retrieval and information resource policies of enterprises conducting foreign economic activity; - modern vision of customs control organization and customs clearance procedure of goods and vehicles crossing the customs border of Ukraine; - understanding of direct and/or indirect impact of social, economic, political, environmental, cultural and other events on international businesses; - understanding of the prospects of globalization as the current stage of socio-economic transformations shaping the development trends of international business.
Application of knowledge and understanding:
- ability to use modern methods of enterprise’s foreign economic activity diagnostics and examination taking into account its organizational and legal form as well as peculiarities of international credit and currency operations; - ability to develop enterprise’s international business strategy taking into account the acceptable level of risk
- justification and selection of international business organizational forms depending on the situation and factors of global market development; - conduction of management consulting, as well as the elaboration and management of international projects; - ability to register supporting documents for international shipping and deliveries, as well as to conduct customs clearance and logistics of international business; - teaching economic courses at a higher educational institution as well as conduction of scientific research in economics.
Making judgments:
- preparation for the implementation of the management functions in the field of international business; - ability to make tactical and strategic decisions within his/her competence; - system thinking ability for effective business communication and entrepreneurship in the context of changes in science and social practice; - ability to share social corporate responsibility as well as conduct effective communications with other stakeholders.
3. Information about the educational components (number of ECTS credits):
Psychology and Pedagogy (3)
Environmental Marketing (3)
Information Systems and Technology in International Business Management (3)
International Business Management (3)
Scientific Researches Methodology and Organization (3)
Organisational Management (3)
International Investment and Innovation Management (3)
International Private Law (3)
International Marketing (6)
10 Risk Management in International Economic Activity (6)
11 Commodity Nomenclature in FEA (3)
12 Competitiveness Management in Global Markets (in English) (6)
13 Financial Management (6)
Academic year papers 
14 Interdisciplinary course project related to the subject of Master Thesis research (3)
Practical training 
15 Internship (3)
16 Pre-diploma practice (3)
17 Master Thesis (30)
 Total credits ECTS 90

Найкращі студенти ІЕЕМ


e00 18 e02 18 e01 18 o01 o02 o03 m01 m02 m03 ek01 ek03 
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Кількість студентів: 800
денна 429, заочна 371
бюджет 310, контракт 490
Найстарший 05/05/1956 (ЕКз-61)
Наймолодший 07/12/2001 (ЕК-11)


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